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ONE OES Contact Address Verified on 10 Different Blockchains

ONE OES Contact Address Verified on 10 Different Blockchains like PolygonScan, BNB Smart Chain, etc. BlockScan verify this news with complete detailed information of Polygon OES Contact address.


ONE OES Contact Address Verified on 10 Different Blockchains

ONE OES Contact Address Verified on 10 Different Blockchains

ONE OES Contact Address Verified on 10 Different Blockchains

  1. BscScan
  2. PolygonScan
  3. GnosisScan
  4. Goerli Testnet
  5. Sepolia Testnet
  6. BscScan Testnet
  7. PolygonScan Testnet
  8. Optimistic Georli Testnet
  9. Arbiscan Rinkeby Testnet
  10. Basescan Testnet

So these are the 10 blockcsan blockchain network. When we past ONE OES contact address in google then we get these results from the blockscan explorer. 

Here it is not saying that it is wrong to have this contact address available on more than one platform. But when a token is on Polygon blockchain then its contact address should have been verified only on Polygon blockchain.

In the early days, when ONE OES was transferred to Polygon blockchain, a compiler bug would come in its contact address. 

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