OES Listed on Binance Exchange
OES listed on Binance exchange and soon it is going to be listed on many more decentralized and centralized exchanges.
OES or we can se ONE token is set to list on Binance exchange along with UniSwap V3 exchange.
Trading Volume History
First day in October OES trading volume was 40.
Total trading volume in October was 400.
Last 24 hours trading volume was recorded 426100.
Upcoming Exchanges for OES Listing
OES is currently listed on Uniswap exchange for trading.
This can be verified from the coinmarketcap.com website. Here we can check the complete trading history along with trading volume.
OES is being traded by company on behalf of DealShaker active merchants.
Along with this CoinGecko Terminal also verify the transaction. In upcoming time many exchanges will list OES for trading.
Reason behind this is OES legal policies like KYC, AML, And decentralization system.